Justin Hange

-Mastering Engineer-

Hi, my name is Justin, and thanks for checking out SirenMastering.com! After 15+ years in and around live music production, I decided to focus intently on honing the dark art of mastering music. After deciding that I love the idea of uniting compelling song dynamics with competitive loudness levels, I started Siren Mastering, knowing that I could deliver great results to my clients.

I have a passion for making things the best they can be, and as the very last stage in music production, mastering just seemed to make sense for me. It requires being a completely objective listener and being “genre agnostic” as to what brings out the best in a song. I’m professionally trained, have access to top notch analog gear, and being a musician myself helps a little too!

I understand what matters at each step of the music production journey, and so I hope you find that when we work together, you’ll be getting more than just a mastering service. You’ll be getting a partner in bringing your music to life. I’d love to chat, so drop me a line!