Start Your Mastering Project

Submission Checklist

  • All master buss compression, EQ, and/or limiting processors should be removed before bouncing out your stereo track

  • Song peaks on your master buss should be measuring no more than -6db. This allows for the mastering engineer to add processing and saturation such that the track will not clip.

  • Acceptable audio file formats are either .WAV or .AIFF files, with at least 44.1k sample rate and 24 bit depth. ***Do not send session files. Please send only stereo bounces.

  • Leave some silence at the beginning & end of your song(s) so we are able to build out fades. All creative fades will be preserved as originally intended.

  • Multiple tracks should be compressed or "zipped" before uploading.

  • After the project is complete we will keep the files on our servers for 30 days

  • After you fill out the project form below, you will be redirected to our file transfer service where you can upload your file(s)

  • When we receive your files, we will contact you via email to discuss next steps on your project.